Oily Skin
Oily skin is caused by an over-production of oil in the sebaceous glands. It is caused by many factors, but mostly due to hormonal imbalances, using an incorrect mixture of skincare products which then cause imbalances, or hereditary issues.
Since people with this skin type have an increased rate of sebum production they often experience trouble with blocked pores. This leads to both blackheads and pimples. Blackheads show up as small black dots on the skins’ surface, with the sebum manifesting deeper down in the pore. The black colour is caused by the skins’ own pigment being oxidised and the rest of the pores’ contents are old skin cells and sebum.
A common belief is that oily skin needs to be treated with products that dry your skin out. This is quite the opposite, oily skin needs gentle skincare with products that are designed to balance the skins’ sebum production whilst moisturising it. Dry skin can cause more oil to be produced as the skin tries to compensate for the lack of moisture.
- A mild moisturiser or gel is a good way to keep the skin hydrated without making it more oily.
- Deep cleansing the skin is fine, as long as it is done with mild products. Sometimes, depending on how your skin feels, just an astringent facial water can be enough.
- A good complement to your skincare routine are exfoliants that work to open up the blocked pores so that the sebum can easily be removed. Oily skin generally ages more slowly than dry skin because the sebum protects and naturally lubricates the skin.